Tuesday, August 18, 2009

article review

After reading the article on "Man may have been borned in outer space", I felt very surprised. How can man be borned from outer space? After reading on, however, I began to feel that what the scientist had found made sense. Afterall, if the water on earth was brought to us by comets, why couldn't life? I feel that there is so much about our origin that we do not know of, and if we do not know about how we came about, who are we to make assupmtions on how animals are formed? The scientist have found traces of building blocks of biology in comets and this has made me realised that of all the things that there are in the world, what we know is but a mere basics, thus making me understand that learning is infinite and that we should never stop learning, even when we grow old, as there are tons of other things in which we can learn, and so learning is a never ending process.

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